
Google reader

Like several others, I’ve recently switched to Google Reader instead of a standalone RSS reader.

Previously I used NetNewsWire Lite at home, which is free, well-designed, does everything I want and works the way I like (new article count on the dock icon, ability to navigate headlines in the context menu without opening the application window etc). The latest version even synchronises with NewsGator, which means that my subscriptions and unread messages are automatically kept in step across multiple Macs.

The problem was that I don’t get to use a Mac at work, and I never managed to find a (free) reader that was anywhere near as nice to use on Windows. I put up with Thunderbird and FeedReader, each with their own little quirks, but the biggest annoyance was the lack of synchronisation between work and home.

I’d tried Google Reader briefly, but didn’t really get on with the interface (I still think it leaves a bit to be desired). What finally tipped the desision was the appearance of the Google Reader Notifier Firefox plugin and, even better, the toolbar notifier for the Mac.


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