
Setting up a new Mac

I decided to do a clean install on my new [work] Mac, rather than just copying everything across from my old one. I thought I’d note down some of the things I installed, in case it comes in handy for anyone else (particularly new Mac users).

I’ve mostly ignored common cross-platform stuff like DropBox, 1Password etc, and setting up things like git and ruby. If you just want to quickly set up a Mac for ruby development, Thoughtbot’s laptop project (or Adam’s fork) might be the way to go.

If you’ve got any other can’t-live-without Mac apps that I might have missed, let me know!

From the app store:

Other apps:

Packages from homebrew (see above)

brew install direnv dos2unix elixir git mysql node phantomjs postgresql qt redis sqlite ssh-copy-id the_silver_searcher tig youtube-dl

Hidden settings

Show ~/Library in Finder:

chflags nohidden ~/Library

Enable copying from quick look preview windows:

defaults write QLEnableTextSelection -bool TRUE; killall Finder

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