
Weeknotes 2023-07

It’s unseasonably warm again. I keep hearing rumours of another “Beast from the East” on its way, but there doesn’t seem to be anything particularly noteworthy in the forecast, so it’s probably just tabloid nonsense.

The roadster is now MOTed for another year (or until I buy another car and sell it). It initially failed – for the first time since I bought it – not unexpectedly given the iffy brakes (the failure was actually on handbrake lever travel). As I suspected, I’d not quite got the self-adjusting widgets reinstalled properly, but £84 later they’ve corrected my error. The brakes may actually feel better than ever – I think me bleeding them after replacing the shoes may have sorted the sponginess that I’ve expected to fail the past seven MOTs but never did. Total mileage since the previous year’s test: 1,882 (which is only 69 more than I ran in the same period).

I went for a meal at Trong’s on Thursday, which was a thank you for Anders and me from our boss for organising some software good practices training for our Indian colleagues. Great food, but probably not helpful in my quest to be less of a Massive Fat Man (especially as it also meant missing another TTT).

On the other hand, I did run 60 miles over the course of the week, including three Runs for Coffee and one for Beer, and finishing with a steady 18 on Sunday morning (although that culminated in a pre-lunchtime three pints in the local Wetherspoon’s). Next week I’ll be taking it easy in preparation for the Tarpley 20, so it’ll be much less strenuous (apart from Tarpley itself, obviously).

I finished James Acaster’s Guide to Quitting Social Media, which was most amusing, although I’d be interested to know how he managed to text Clancy Delahue to ask for money for more spy stuff, given that his phone was in a storage unit in Rhyll with the screen covered in tar. This may make limited sense if you haven’t read the book. I’m now reading Randall “XKCD” Munroe’s What If?, and it feels very odd not being able to click the images to read the alt text.

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