
Weeknotes 2023-08

A trip on the train to Colchester on Tuesday to see Beans on Toast with support from Ann Liu Cannon) at the lovely Colchester Arts Centre. I discovered via Instagram the next day that Frank Turner was standing somewhere not far behind me, and apparently Pet Needs were there too, nicely linking up the three artists/bands I’ve seen most recently.

My photo
Frank Turner’s photo (I think one of those backs of heads belongs to me)

I hadn’t seen him live before, but it was great, and (for me at least) the kind of show where you just go along and listen to songs you mostly haven’t heard before, rather than knowing all the words and (badly) singing along. Also notable for the first song I’ve heard about ChatGPT, including the inevitable AI-generated chorus.

Tarpley 20 on Sunday – that day of the year when I wonder what I’m doing racing that far when – unlike seemingly everyone else – I’m not training for a marathon. I managed to shave another couple of minutes off my PB though, coming in at 2:33:13. I suspect I’ll be glad of the fact I’m working at home tomorrow.

Various miscreants before the race

It feels like something else must have happened at some point during the week, but nothing springs to mind.

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