It feels like Spring is finally arriving. The branches that fell off my apple tree last year, but are still sitting there semi-attached, have buds on them, but all the branches that are still in their traditional elevated positions seem to be dead.
My baby niece turned 18 this week, which hardly seems possible. Does this mean I’m … old?
Now up to 19/12 (or 19/67) languages on #12in23. Some of them have been more pleasant experiences than others, based largely on the availability, quality and helpfulness of language documentation.
I went to see Half Man Half Biscuit again on Saturday, with Rupert from work. Support were Model Village, who I think I saw supporting the same band in the same venue ten years ago. I wore the Pet Needs T-shirt that I bought at the gig the other week, and while we were waiting for HMHB to come on the bloke standing behind me tapped me on the shoulder to comment on the shirt. Turns out he’s a mate of Johnny from Pet Needs, and is also in Dingus Khan with Ben Brown (who was supporting Pet Needs as a solo act). Small world.

While most of the people I’ve been semi-marathon training with were off running at Boston (UK) or Manchester today I was in Essex for the far more sensible distance of 10k at Little Bromley. It went pretty much to plan, and I shaved 40s off last year’s time, coming in at 42:35. Still a minute or so outside my PB though (am I getting old?). Someone collapsed in front of me just short of the finish line, but there was a paramedic within feet of him so hopefully he was OK. He must have been furious that no-one helped him cover the last few yards to the mat before putting him in the ambulance though.