
Weeknotes 2023-16

The long-awaited return of local GoodGym group runs happened on Monday. Various things, including but not limited to a pandemic, conspired to there not having been any in Ipswich since early 2020 (although there have been a couple of bonus tasks in the meantime), but we finally have a newly qualified run leader/coordinator who seems very keen. This also marked my 100th task (a few years later than expected), which means I get a new T-shirt. Unfortunately it looks very similar to the basic red version unless you’re paying attention, as opposed to the black one I got for 50.

People pointing at me, and me looking embarrassed. We’d just painted the walls.

Wednesday saw another Run for Coffee/Run for Beer double-header. I can’t help noticing that attendance at the latter skews more male than the former!

Run for Coffee
Run for Beer

On Sunday a few of us from work met up at Bin 93 for a board games afternoon. We ended up playing Zombicide, which took about three hours but was good fun. I enjoyed playing an entirely cooperative game for a change, rather than trying to work out who were secretly werewolves, minions of Mordred or whatever. The mechanics of the game worked really well to keep us teetering between “we’re going to win easily” and “we’re doomed” right up to the final round (we did win in the end).

I had half an eye on the London Marathon tracker while we were playing, with a fair few people I know running, and some good results. We were also rudely interrupted at 3pm by the daft emergency siren thing, which somehow came as a surprise to us all even though I’d remembered and warned everyone ten minutes earlier.

Nimboids vs Zombies

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