It feels a little more autumnal this week, but still plenty warm enough. The cats have certainly decided the weather’s turned – especially Ninja, who transformed overnight from feral outdoor cat who I occasionally see when he’s hungry back into a cuddly purring lap monster. Unexpected additional consequence of global warming: seeing less of your pets.

Wednesday should have been Run for Beer day, but it was cancelled because of an apocalyptic weather forecast. Having skipped Run for Coffee in the morning because my legs hadn’t recovered sufficiently from RNR for a double run day, I pigheadedly went out on my own anyway, and ended up suffering no more than some light drizzle. I did meet a toad on the pavement, who I relocated to the grass to hopefully avoid him being stepped on (or run over if he ventured further out).

On Thursday I very nearly got Wordle in one guess. My usual starter word had four of the five letters in the correct place, and I got the fifth one on the second try. So close! I could start varying the starter word, but then the one I’ve been using since day one might come up and that would be annoying … oh, no, have I (apart from never playing the lottery) turned into one of those people who always play the same lottery numbers?
Apparently I’ve been using Duolingo for ten years this week, but you’d never know it from my very shaky grasp of Spanish. To be fair, I’ve probably only been using it regularly for the last three of those years (which puts it firmly in the “lockdown hobbies” basket).
Sunday was the Langham 5k & 10k, and I decided to repeat last year’s decision to enter both (starting at 9 and 10am respectively). I was about half a minute slower than last year in the 5k, and a minute slower in the 10k, but happy enough with that a week after a tough 20 mile race.

I binged through all of Brooklyn Nine Nine during lockdown, when I temporarily had access to Netflix, but never saw the final se(ason|ries). By now my aged brain has pretty much also forgotten the ones I did see, so I found a cheap second-hand DVD box set and have restarted from the beginning (confirming that yes, most of it failed to make it to long-term memory). Still funny this time round, and in nice short 22-minute episodes that make handy watching while eating lunch etc.