
Weeknotes 2023-39

Well, it’s October. That was quick.

A fairly sociable running week, with the usual club session on Tuesday, then runs for both coffee and beer on Wednesday, and another run with the same crowd on Friday, finishing at The Railway for a meal to celebrate Kevin’s 60th birthday. Then parkrun (obviously) on Saturday and an easy loop out over the Orwell Bridge with Holly this morning.

Strava decided to show me a nice encouraging notification this afternoon …

… then when I clicked it, it hit me with its actual opinion of how that hard work was really “adding up”. ?

On Friday we had our first attempt at an unconference for developers at work. It seemed to go OK, with plenty of interesting discussions. Also, I ate far too many biscuits.

After buying a Rubik’s cube (well technically not an actual Rubik’s cube, but a cheap MoYu speedcube) on a whim a few months ago, I seem to have become quite addicted to it, and decided on another whim to upgrade to a Tornado v3 Pioneer. I saved about a third of the price by ordering it from a seller on AliExpress, and it arrived from China impressively quickly (under a week). I had thought the other one was pretty good compared to my memories of the original, but this one is a huge improvement – it spins really easily, and has magnets that help it gently snap into position as it rotates, rather than ending up misaligned and jamming. I’m still hardly an expert, but can now reliably solve it in around a minute most times, with a best effort of 33s thanks to a scramble that happened to work out nicely.

In a brief concession to the still far away festive season, I baked my cakes today (a massive one for me, and the smaller one I somehow got talked into making annually for Nicola). And now I shall brook no more talk of Christmas for at least another two months.

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