
Weeknotes 2024-25

Well we’ve had the summer solstice now, so I suppose it’ll soon be Christmas.

We had a work experience student at work this week. I’d been talked into hosting him instead of the son of a friend who had originally applied, and only agreed on the basis that someone else in the team who’d done this before would be able to organise things … but then that person was off sick. I got deathly silence from my pleadings for other people to help out too (other than Oli, who kindly offered to look after him on Friday so I didn’t have to do five days in the office), and I ended up doing a fairly poor job, mostly relying on Codecademy and a vague project of building a web site. This is why I’m not a manager.

Bury [St Edmunds] Friday 5 this week, and it was a warm one (though still 10?C cooler than 2022). I was even slower than the past couple of weeks, but everyone else was slower too. I managed to beat Holly (by one second, after an almighty sprint to the finish line), and wasn’t overtaken by Tom three miles in for once.

Bury Friday 5 sprint finish

Another hot day for a long run on Sunday. We ran along the Gipping path, and stopped at Bramford to cool our feet in the river. While Holly was waiting for her feet to dry off, a large german shepherd came springing out of the water and shook itself dry all over her socks and trainers. We resisted the lure of an ice cream from the Co-Op, regretted it by Sproughton where the shop had just shut, and eventually stopped at Morrison’s. They apparently don’t sell individual ice creams, so we ended up getting a five pack of callipos. Dave later pointed out that the petrol garage would’ve been a better bet, but we probably would have paid more there for two than the pack of five!

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