
Weeknotes 2024-30

On Monday we held another developers’ unconference at work. It seemed to go down well, with a wide range of topics discussed, and lots of biscuits eaten (by me, at least).

The unconference board

It was another tough week of running, with the usual Tuesday evening session followed by the club’s annual social Two Rivers race on Wednesday. This involves everyone setting off from Landguard Fort at staggered times based on their best recent race times, and choosing our own routes to Felixstowe Ferry (just under five miles away). I was trying to back off slightly with Twilight (see below) coming on Friday, which meant I ended up finishing second from last (and only not last because I overtook someone running the last bit with his five-year-old son!). Thence to the pub for some refreshment, which ended up being only in liquid form because I failed to order any food before the kitchen shut.

Post Two Rivers refreshment in the Grosvenor

After a brief respite (apart from cycling to work) on Thursday, Friday was the Ipswich Twilight 10k. Much dryer than last time, and I was slightly slower, but managed to pull away from Holly towards the end, to make up for her doing the same to me last year! A bunch of us retired to the Cricketers afterwards, where we ended up working round very slow service (the Wetherspoons app had apparently broken, so everyone had to go to the bar like in the before times) by lining up several pints at a time. We did manage to leave a little before 1am though, which is marginally earlier than last year, and they hadn’t quite reached chucking-out time.

Two conversations from Wetherspoons on Friday …

One, as we were going in (having been directed away from two of the entrances, presumably to funnel everyone past their crack security team):

“What’s in your bag?”

“Running stuff.”

“No knives or anything sharp?”

“No. Do you want to look?”

“No, that’s fine.”

Two, from a woman ordering at the bar:

“Can I have a treble [something]?”

“Sorry, we can’t serve trebles.”

“Why not?”

“It’s just policy.”

“OK, then I’ll have two doubles.”

“That’s fine.”

Trying to keep ahead of Holly and Tom
Various reprobates after the race

I managed to turn up early for parkrun on Saturday, and ran round very slowly, then popped over to JJ’s for a barbecue in the afternoon. Definitely didn’t feel up to a long run on Sunday, but did manage to get out for a very slow, very warm half-dozen miles.

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