
Weeknotes 2024-36

I thought last week’s mouse had made good its escape, although Casper (who still hasn’t worked out the cat flap, so only goes out when I have the door or windows open) brought in a grasshopper, which I caught and returned to the garden. Then in came Ninja with a mouse in his mouth – once again unharmed and extremely energetic (too quick for a photo!), but I did eventually manage to catch it and let it run off outside.

On Saturday I heard a screaming noise from the garden, which turned out to be a frog. I suspect Casper had been tormenting it, but I don’t think they taste nice so they tend to get away relatively unmolested.

A frog

Sunday was the Felixstowe Coastal 10, another of our club’s home races. It wasn’t insanely hot like last year, but quite windy (with a headwind in the first and final quarters). I did better than last year, but not spectacularly. I did beat Holly this time though, after she annihilated me last time!

About halfway round

The Tour of Britain was finishing in Felixstowe on the same day, so some of us hung around to watch the cyclists come in. We spent a couple of hours in between sitting on the beach with a few beers, then suddenly the weather took a turn for the worse, and by the time the cycling had wrapped up it was cold and pouring with rain. We retired to the pub for a while before getting the train back to Ipswich. This plan entailed me giving some people a lift in, then leaving my car behind to pick up on Tuesday: in characteristic fashion I realised when I got home that I’d left my house keys in the car, but fortunately I have a spare hidden in the garden for just such an emergency!

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