
Weeknotes 2024-41

Latest key-related incompetence: at work on Tuesday I noticed that my car key was still in my pocket from the weekend (I cycle to work, and don’t usually leave keys in pockets). I needed to use the car on Tuesday night, but figured I’d remember where it was. Then, predictably, I left my jeans in my locker when I got changed to cycle home, so had to get a lift to Felixstowe instead. Pretty sure this is a more-or-less exact repeat of an earlier anecdote … yup.

My latest fox visitor was here again on Friday morning, sleeping on a car roof. I gave him some breakfast, but he had to compete for it with Badger cat.

The BBC show Threads is on iPlayer at the moment, 40 years after its original broadcast. I didn’t watch it in the 80s (we didn’t have a TV) … I knew it was famously bleak, but wasn’t entirely prepared for how it just kept getting relentlessly bleaker. Fortunately the geopolitical situation now is perfectly stable and there’s absolutely no risk of conflict in the middle east or the former Soviet Union spiralling out of control.

I seem to have picked up a cold (or Covid, bird flu etc). The sore throat hit me as I tried to get to sleep on Friday night, and now it’s in the coughing and runny nose stage. I expected that to presage a sub-par performance in the Capel 5 on Sunday, but to my surprise I managed my third-best five mile time. I think the sudden onset of wintry temperatures must have helped.

It took me ages to figure out who one of the team captains (Charles Dundas) on the latest episode of Only Connect reminded me of, but eventually realised it was John Hodgman playing the “I’m a PC” guy from those old Apple ads.

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