
Weeknotes 2024-44

There was some weird (presumably BST/GMT-change-related in some way) glitch on the council web site at the weekend, that had it showing everyone’s bins as due to be collected a day early. I actually put mine out, which I forget to do half the time even on the normal day, but no, they were collected on Wednesday as usual. Except for the brown one, which lingered un-emptied until Thursday.

The fox is still dropping by now and again looking for food, and still isn’t bothered by the cats (or vice versa).

Casper and the fox sizing each other up

My TV suddenly started refusing to connect to iPlayer etc, which isn’t ideal as I don’t have an aerial. Resetting the TV/YouView app brought iPlayer and Channel 5 back, but ITV and Channel 4 had disappeared. I’m not bothered about ITV or 5, but the lack of Channel 4 made it harder (but not impossible) to watch Taskmaster. Digging around on some forums lots of people seemed adamant that it’s impossible to get those channels on YouView on a Sony TV without having an aerial plugged in for the initial setup, which I know isn’t true, but I was thinking maybe I’d have to replace the aerial that I took down before it fell down in a storm a few years ago. Fortunately removing updates from the app seems to have restored it to a working version from simpler times, at least for now.

A busy week of running, with a track session on Wednesday on top of the usual Tuesday club training, plus the return of the TTT (Thursday Tempo Ten), trying to navigate round hordes of trick-or-treaters. Then an extremely slow parkrun, and the first of this season’s cross country fixtures on Sunday, at Framlingham.

Running through the castle moat, towards the end of the race

It’s still unseasonably warm (or maybe this is the new normal, as we race towards inevitable extinction), although I have put the heating on briefly a couple of times.

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