
Weeknotes 2024-46

Oops, nearly forgot. Only four days late.

I got an email from Anglian Water saying there’s been a “small increase” in my water usage, and they’re increasing my payments “to match”. I had been paying £7 a month, which admittedly did seem a bit low, but apparently it’s now increasing to £36! I looked into it, and last month I only used 14% more than the same month in 2023. I think what happened is that they read the meter after a long gap, and adjusted the payment accordingly, but I suspect they’ve gone too far in the other direction and I’ll end up building up a credit balance. This is why I specifically sought out a gas and electricity tariff where they just send me a bill each month for the amount I’ve used and I pay it by direct debit, rather than faffing around with trying to guess the monthly average across the year.

I had the week off work, and as usual did hardly any of the things on my notional to-do list. I did finally remove and saw up the two fallen branches from the apple tree though (after only a couple of years), although I’m yet to get rid of the logs and branches. This has returned about half what I’ll optimistically call my lawn (it took longer to get the brambles out of the way than it did to remove the actual branches), but I still have a way to go to clear enough space to finally put the greenhouse up.

It’s a start!

I glanced up while eating breakfast on Wednesday and there was a woodpecker in the remains of the apple tree. I only managed to get a terrible photo though.

World’s worst woodpecker photo

On Saturday I went on another of the Camra “Real Ale Runabout” bus tours, this time to Aldeburgh. It was a fun day, even if there was quite a wait to get served in a couple of the pubs, and the choice was basically down to which Adnams beer you wanted. We got the back seet in the bus too!

Sunday was my birthday, but I decided to treat Saturday as the celebration so I didn’t really do anything, other than a bit of solo trail running.

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