I finished work on Friday, and now I’m not going back until the 6th, which feels very decadent. It seems the Christmas/New Year “I have no idea what day it is” feeling has crept in already, as it doesn’t feel like Sunday evening (despite it having been a fairly standard weekend).
Last Run for Beer of the year on Wednesday, and we went to Bin 93 again to avoid the pub crowds. They did us a deal for a wine or beer (or two soft drinks) and basically all you can eat cheese and biscuits for a tenner, and I missed a trick by picking a relatively cheap beer, then accidentally choosing one that was twice as strong and twice as expensive for my second. Neil had the same two in the opposite order, so his expensive one was included with the cheese and he paid for the cheap one. Schoolboy error on my part.
Nobby cat’s been a bit ill this week. He’s been a bit snuffly on and off for ages, but got worse and stopped eating, so I took him in to the vet on Friday. They’ve taken some blood for tests and prescribed some antibiotics for the infection and some mirtazapine to stimulate his appetite. He’s still looking poorly, but his nose and eyes seem to have mostly stopped running and he ate some food today, so hopefully he’s on the mend (he’s sitting next to me as I type this). He’s 16, so no longer a spring chicken, but still put up a struggle while having his mouth examined, and managed to leap up on top of the high kitchen cupboards when we got back!
The very drawn out installation of the TV aerial continues – the aerial itself is up now, and the cable’s fixed to the soffit down to the edge of the house, so just the easy bit to do tomorrow (it seems like every time I start there’s only an hour or so of light left!). While I had the roof ladder up I replaced a slate that’s been broken for ages.