
Weeknotes 2025-07

Oops, late again!

Starting to get a bit fed up with the seemingly endless stretch of just-above-freezing temperatures we’ve been having. We haven’t even had any proper wintry precipitation, apart from about five minutes on Saturday which happened to coincide with me walking half a mile down the road to get a lift to Felixstowe!

I squeezed a short trail run in on Wednesday evening before heading to the Fat Cat for another pleasant evening shooting the breeze with Rupert (current boss), Joe (previous boss) and Mel (boss before last). It was a lot muddier than I expected (the run, not the pub), including a field that looked like it had been ploughed five minutes before I got to it. It got darker a bit quicker than I’d expected too, but despite both those factors I managed to stay upright. I also came across a sign in the small area of woodland that had unexpectedly disappeared last year, saying that it had been turned into cricket bats. The area now features some new willow saplings, which will apparently be ready to harvest in 15–20 years’ time.

Where’s the path?
A terrible photo from the pub – not sure how old Rupert’s phone is!

Because it was the last round of the Suffolk Winter League cross country on Sunday, ruling out a long run at the weekend, I decided to join in with Thursday’s Run for Coffee, but to tack on some extra miles. I basically did a lap of more or less the usual route, met the people who start in town, ran another lap, stopped for coffee, then added an extra loop to my run home. I’ve been working at home all week on account of not being able to shake the cold I’ve had for nearly a fortnight, so I was still able to start work at 9am, although that did entail setting out at 5.30. My general tiredness through the day suggest that it might not have been my best ever idea!

Saturday was the FRR AGM and awards night, which was pretty sparsely attended. Nothing much happened, and obviously I didn’t win an award, although a few speedier friends did.

The aforementioned cross country was the Bungay event, which this year was on a new course at Woburn Farm in Corton, on the other side of Lowestoft (counting this side as south rather than west, otherwise it would have been a bit wet). It was two laps on mostly fairly dull field-edge tracks, but with one short section that was normally used by BMXers, with a rollercoaster of short sharp up-and-down mounds.

Not going the wrong way, despite the sign (there were a few out-and-back sections)

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