It’s March! And the days are noticeably drawing out, which is nice.
I did get round to fixing my puncture on Monday, ready to ride into the office on Tuesday. It was definitely not difficult to find the offending pointy object in the tyre! Mind you, it was slightly soft again on Tuesday evening, so maybe there was another foreign object that I missed, or the previously-patched tube that I swapped in hadn’t quite been repaired properly. It seemed to stay up again after that though, so who knows?

I was going to leave all the running stuff to the end, on the basis that it’s probably very boring to most of the tiny number of people who might actually read this. Which I am going to do, but it turns out not much else happened this week, so the end starts here.
I did a very slow short recovery run on Monday, which felt terrible after the Tarpley 20 on Sunday, then the usual club session on Tuesday night. That featured hills and a reasonable mileage (6.4, and thanks to traffic jams I barely made it in time, so that doesn’t even include jogging round the netball courts beforehand), and my legs held up better than expected. Then we also had our monthly track session the next day, which was a fairly brutal constant repetition of 400m efforts and 200m recoveries. Apparently the theory is that if you take the average of the time you take for all the efforts, in minutes and seconds, then that roughly corresponds to your expected half marathon time in hours and minutes. Mine came out a few minutes slower, but that’s not surprising on tired legs.
After what I felt was a well-deserved rest day on Thursday, and a gentle run on Friday, I had no excuse not to put in some effort at parkrun for once. I finished with a time that I initially felt was OK but not great, but later realised that it was my best ever age grade, so I’ll take that! Then on Sunday I did a long slow run with Holly, covering 22 miles in glorious sunshine.