
Weeknotes 2025-11

Drinks in the Fat Cat with Rupert and Mel again on Wednesday (seems much less than a month since last time). For some reason it seemed less busy than the past couple of times. It had rained before I went out, providing a nice double rainbow, but fortunately stopped in time for the walk to the pub.


I managed to trip over towards the end of Thursday’s TTT (Thursday Tempo Ten). There’s a little service road with a sharp-edged speed bump, and there are tree roots pushing the pavement up at around the same spot. I decided to run in the road because the pavement was quite dark, even though I thought “this is probably a bad idea, and I won’t see the speed bump”. I nearly tripped when the road was unexpectedly a couple of inches lower than my foot was expecting, and thought that was the bump, but it wasn’t, as I learned a few seconds later when I stubbed my toe and started an inevitable topple forwards. When you’re running slowly it’s usually easy enough to take a few quick steps and get your feet back under you, but at full speed that didn’t really work, and after a few flailing paces I bowed to the inevitable. Fortunately the damage was limited to a ripped glove and grazed hands and elbows, and a couple of lost seconds, but I still managed my fastest ten miles for nearly a year.

I did my long run on Saturday this week (incorporating parkrun, of course), thus theoretically freeing up Sunday to do whatever I wanted. Naturally I ended up doing pretty much nothing. I’ve got next week off work – will I end up doing any of the mountain of gardening and housework that I keep putting off? I’m writing this belatedly on Tuesday morning, so I already know over 20% of the answer, but you’ll have to wait. Yes, all three of you.

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