
Weeknotes 2024-31

This month’s Run for Beer was in Felixstowe. It was still very warm, but I figured that although a vest would have been more comfortable to run in, it might get a bit chilly sitting outside afterwards. Of course what a sensible person would have done (and everyone else did) was take an extra layer and leave it in the car for afterwards. I found the run a real struggle (maybe I’m coming down with something – there seems to be a lot of it about), and the beer very welcome. Only five of us actually ran, but a few more joined us for a drink.

At Beach Street after Run for Beer.

I re-downloaded and watched the 4k77 Star Wars films, having noticed that there was a new version of Empire since I last watched them (also that was on my old projector, which was only 720p and didn’t have great contrast). It’s nice to be able to see the trilogy in 4k (albeit sometimes fairly grainy 4k), without having to suffer Greedo shooting first, the CGI Jabba etc.

I finally got round to getting EmuDeck running on my Steam Deck, and have been really pushing the machine’s limits with the latest games …

With Friday racing having finally come to an end after nine straight weeks, I had no excuse for taking it easy at parkrun. Nonetheless I did take it easy – in fact it was my ninth slowest of all time! I did briefly put on an exaggerated sprint (and what turns out to be a ridiculous face) on seeing a photographer as we slogged up the evil hill.

Yes, I’m enjoying it, honest! No, I’m not an idiot.

Saturday was also the day of the SVP 50k/100k ultra, and while I was most definitely not running it again, I went along with Robin and Jo in the evening to cheer in the people who were, and to drink beer.

Shamed by having stood around drinking while watching other people finish running stupid distances, I felt I really had to drag myself out for something vaguely approaching a long run on Sunday. In tribute to the ultra runners, I also walked up a lot of the hills! For less than half marathon distance at an incredibly slow pace, it felt really tough – maybe the fact that I got home at 4.30pm not having had any lunch didn’t help. I did see some llamas though.


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