General nonsense

It’s a good job I’m male

Otherwise I’d probably have had to go home and change, rather than spend the afternoon pairing with someone wearing a matching T-shirt.

Of course, since I am male, when I say ‘matching’ I actually mean ‘vaguely similar in colour’.

Agile Java Ruby

An issue with mock-driven development in dynamically-typed languages

First, let me make it clear that I really like BDD, I really like mocks, and I really like dynamic languages. RSpec does a pretty good job of combining all three.

However, there’s one disadvantage that duck-typed languages suffer when it comes to using mocks to drive the design of the interfaces between objects.


Avoiding pair-programming breakdown

One of the persistent themes in my team’s retrospectives is that we don’t pair as much as we should. It’s not that we don’t want to pair, or that something’s stopping us: we just seem too often to lack the discipline to start pairing and then not drift back into working alone again. I’m not sure the best way of avoiding the delay in forming pairs at the beginning of the day and after lunch1, but here’s at least one tip to keep the sessions going.

If you need to quickly nip back to your own machine to check some documentation, google something, check for some urgently-awaited e-mail reply or whatever…

Don’t take your chair with you.

1I think this is a variant of the ‘one more pint effect’ that’s often observed when a group over a certain size meets in a pub prior to going for a meal. One person decides that everyone’s going to take ages drinking up, so they decide to have ‘one more pint’. Of course, someone else then sees them with a full glass, and makes the same decision, and you end up arriving in the restaurant an hour later than planned. The pairing equivalent is where you all think ‘everyone looks busy, so I’ll just [answer that e-mail | do that pointless mandatory on-line training course | go and make a coffee] while I’m waiting for someone to pair with’.

Of course the real answer is to be strict about all production code being pair-programmed, rather than letting yourself make exceptions for ‘trivial’ tasks, or UI code, or refactoring, or something that started as a spike but has somehow grown tests and made it into the trunk…

General nonsense

World’s biggest mouse pointer

No idea what it’s about because I don’t speak Japanese, but this is pretty cool (in a ‘completely useless but…’ kind of way).

Via Ok/Cancel.

Agile BT

BT Agile Awards final

The CSAM-n team receiving our trophy

Wednesday night saw the end-of-year BT Agile Awards dinner, with all the recipients of the various quarterly awards gathering at the Royal Horseguards Hotel to eat, drink, and find out who’d won the overall team and individual awards for the year. It was a good night, made even better by the fact that we won the team award! Our prize is that we’re off to the Agile 2007 conference in Washington DC in August.

Congratulations also to Gregg Wyburn for winning the individual award, and to our current colleagues from the .NET SDK team, who picked up their quarter three award for best application of the BT agile values.

More photos from the night on Flickr (see also photos tagged with btagileawards – hopefully some more people will post and tag photos, but BT’s webfilter blocking Flickr doesn’t help).

Web 2.0

Jakob Nielsen on Web 2.0

According to the BBC, Jakob Nielsen claims that “Hype about Web 2.0 is making web firms neglect the basics of good design.” As you would expect, he makes some good points, but I’m not so sure about this bit:

“That was just bad,” he said. “The idea of community, user generated content and more dynamic web pages are not inherently bad in the same way, they should be secondary to the primary things sites should get right.”

“The main criticism or problem is that I do not think these things are as useful as the primary things,” he said.

Well-established patterns of user involvement with sites also led Mr Nielsen to question the sense of adopting Web 2.0 technologies.

Research suggests that users of a site split into three groups. One that regularly contributes (about 1%); a second that occasionally contributes (about 9%); and a majority who almost never contribute (90%).

By definition, said Mr Nielsen, only a small number of users are likely to make significant use of all the tools a site provides.

To my mind, one of the key things about “Web 2.0” – think Flickr, Twitter, Wikipedia etc, not just sites with AJAX and trendy colours – is that community and user generated content are at the heart of the site, not just an add-on. That means that those 1% who regularly contribute are absolutely central, and vital to the site’s success.

General nonsense Web21C

JohnMac and psd: the real story!

According to Twitter, anyway:

John’s one friend


Java Rails

Hi, I’m Ruby on Rails…

The guys over at Rails Envy have created an excellent J2EE vs Rails parody of Apple’s Get a Mac adverts:

Apparently there are more coming over the next few days.

General nonsense




The Way of Testivus

From the slightly-odd The Way of Testivus, via InfoQ:

The pupil asked the master programmer:
“When can I stop writing tests?”

The master answered:
“When you stop writing code.”

The pupil asked:
“When do I stop writing code?”

The master answered:
“When you become a manager.”

The pupil trembled and asked:
“When do I become a manager?”

The master answered:
“When you stop writing tests.”

The pupil rushed to write some tests.
He left skid marks.

If the code deserves to be written,
it deserves to have tests.