Category: General nonsense
Shutdown Day
Tomorrow is Shutdown Day.
Can you survive for 24 hours without switching on your computer?
[Update] I managed. Did you?
I’ll get round to watching the whole thing eventually, but first, use the link underneath the video to skip to “What are some of the other principles of Lean?”
I never realised that Tom Poppendieck was such an accomplished ventriloquist!
Out of step
More proof, as if it were needed, that I’m not up-to-date with the latest fashions.
Just as I’m teetering on the brink of switching from Safari to Firefox at home (mainly for all that plugin goodness), I read that Firefox’s market share is down, and Safari’s is up.
[tags]firefox, safari, browser wars[/tags]
I guess I need a thesaurus
I was having a discussion last night about the value of learning new programming languages. I said I still felt I ought to learn Lisp, even if I was never likely to use it in anger, because it would hopefully give me a new way of thinking about problems which would be transferrable to other languages (especially ones like Ruby). Alkesh (come on, get a blog so I can link to it!) felt that Lisp was a dead language, and would be no more useful than learning Fortran or COBOL.
Then this morning I tried the Which Programming Lanuguage Are You? (via Steve Freeman).
Of late, I only carry cards in my pocket to write on, and that’s an entirely different thing. In particular, there’s no continuity. That can be a good thing, or a bad thing.
The big advantage to the cards is that I read somewhere, many years ago, that you can recognize important people by the fact that they don’t carry anything. They don’t need to carry anything, because whatever they need, they just are, and because they have other people to carry their things for them. So I stopped carrying things, in hopes of being mistaken for someone of consequence. You have to start somewhere.
I too have taken lately to carrying a bunch of index cards around in my back pocket for occasional scribbling, and I rarely take a notebook to those meetings I fail to avoid (on the basis that someone’s bound to hand out some kind of printed material that I can write on).
Of course, the main difference is that Ron is ‘someone of consequence’!
New year’s resolutions
- Keep all my resolutions this year.
- …
Actually number one is quite a big one, so perhaps I’ll stop there.
You say potato…
Why is it that in the US they say “math”, but we say “maths”, yet we say “Lego” and they say “Legos”?
Scrum for cats
For some reason Twiglet seems fascinated by Ken Schwaber’s Agile Quality talk.