
Weeknotes 2024-32

Innovation days at work this week, which is where we take three days every six weeks to work on (or learn) something not necessarily directly related to normal day-to-day project work, then share it with the team afterwards. I started revisiting an early attempt to replace some graphs in our app with Grafana dashboards (the current graphs were rendered using Chartkick and Chart.js, reading historical data from Postgres, and could be very slow to load). We’ve been duplicating the data into Prometheus for long enough to have a full set of values for the maximum period users can go back, but every time I look into embedding Grafana dashboards into a web app without requiring people to authenticate separately it seems like an unrecommended/unsupported nightmare. This time it finally occurred to me to go for the middle ground, forget about Grafana, and just source the values for the existing graphs from Prometheus instead of Postgres. It wasn’t too hard and has barely changed the UI, but is at least an order of magnitude faster, which has made our users happy.

On Wednesday we had our annual club “Run Bike Run” event, which involves two short runs (totalling four miles) with a six-mile bike ride sandwiched in between. The twist is that there’s no set start time, but a cut-off for the finish, and the winner is the person who set off latest but still got back in time. I was never in any danger of winning (especially having already cycled 11 miles to get there), but did at least time it right to get back inside the cut-off, and finished slightly quicker than last year. Then after stopping for chilli and a beer I had to ride home again – it felt like a high-mileage day, but for a change most of it (38 miles or so, including the commute to work earlier) was on my bike.

The first run of RBR

I wasn’t expecting much from parkrun, but also didn’t have any excuse not to try, with no racing this weekend. I surprised myself with a 21:30 though, which turns out to be my joint second quickest ever on that course (probably the toughest and hilliest of the various ones Ipswich has had over the years). Then to Colchester Art Centre in the evening to see the Pet Needs Fractured Party People film, plus an acoustic set from the band. Weird to see them in a seated venue, and also to almost immediately spot myself in the crowd on the screen.

The band being interviewed after the film
At least people stood up for the songs!

On Sunday Holly and I did a long(ish) run along the Gipping to Needham Market. We stopped at Bramford for a paddle, where a dog-walking lady told us we shouldn’t have gone in the river, because someone tested the water quality recently and it was 8. She wasn’t that clear about what the 8 represented though, other than that it should have been zero. There was another delay not far from the end when we realised we’d have to divert out to the road because of a closed “unsafe” bridge over the river, but opted instead to return to the bridge and cross it regardless (it was hardly Temple of Doom level stuff!)

The less picturesque Ipswich end of the river path

The plan was to grab an ice cream once we reached Needham Lakes before getting the train back, but the queue was a bit long so we decided to pop into the pub for a quick drink instead. By a stroke of good fortune it turned out they had a beer festival going on in the garden, so we accidentally got stuck there for two and a half hours in the sunshine.

Post-run sustenance

Weeknotes 2024-31

This month’s Run for Beer was in Felixstowe. It was still very warm, but I figured that although a vest would have been more comfortable to run in, it might get a bit chilly sitting outside afterwards. Of course what a sensible person would have done (and everyone else did) was take an extra layer and leave it in the car for afterwards. I found the run a real struggle (maybe I’m coming down with something – there seems to be a lot of it about), and the beer very welcome. Only five of us actually ran, but a few more joined us for a drink.

At Beach Street after Run for Beer.

I re-downloaded and watched the 4k77 Star Wars films, having noticed that there was a new version of Empire since I last watched them (also that was on my old projector, which was only 720p and didn’t have great contrast). It’s nice to be able to see the trilogy in 4k (albeit sometimes fairly grainy 4k), without having to suffer Greedo shooting first, the CGI Jabba etc.

I finally got round to getting EmuDeck running on my Steam Deck, and have been really pushing the machine’s limits with the latest games …

With Friday racing having finally come to an end after nine straight weeks, I had no excuse for taking it easy at parkrun. Nonetheless I did take it easy – in fact it was my ninth slowest of all time! I did briefly put on an exaggerated sprint (and what turns out to be a ridiculous face) on seeing a photographer as we slogged up the evil hill.

Yes, I’m enjoying it, honest! No, I’m not an idiot.

Saturday was also the day of the SVP 50k/100k ultra, and while I was most definitely not running it again, I went along with Robin and Jo in the evening to cheer in the people who were, and to drink beer.

Shamed by having stood around drinking while watching other people finish running stupid distances, I felt I really had to drag myself out for something vaguely approaching a long run on Sunday. In tribute to the ultra runners, I also walked up a lot of the hills! For less than half marathon distance at an incredibly slow pace, it felt really tough – maybe the fact that I got home at 4.30pm not having had any lunch didn’t help. I did see some llamas though.


Weeknotes 2024-30

On Monday we held another developers’ unconference at work. It seemed to go down well, with a wide range of topics discussed, and lots of biscuits eaten (by me, at least).

The unconference board

It was another tough week of running, with the usual Tuesday evening session followed by the club’s annual social Two Rivers race on Wednesday. This involves everyone setting off from Landguard Fort at staggered times based on their best recent race times, and choosing our own routes to Felixstowe Ferry (just under five miles away). I was trying to back off slightly with Twilight (see below) coming on Friday, which meant I ended up finishing second from last (and only not last because I overtook someone running the last bit with his five-year-old son!). Thence to the pub for some refreshment, which ended up being only in liquid form because I failed to order any food before the kitchen shut.

Post Two Rivers refreshment in the Grosvenor

After a brief respite (apart from cycling to work) on Thursday, Friday was the Ipswich Twilight 10k. Much dryer than last time, and I was slightly slower, but managed to pull away from Holly towards the end, to make up for her doing the same to me last year! A bunch of us retired to the Cricketers afterwards, where we ended up working round very slow service (the Wetherspoons app had apparently broken, so everyone had to go to the bar like in the before times) by lining up several pints at a time. We did manage to leave a little before 1am though, which is marginally earlier than last year, and they hadn’t quite reached chucking-out time.

Two conversations from Wetherspoons on Friday …

One, as we were going in (having been directed away from two of the entrances, presumably to funnel everyone past their crack security team):

“What’s in your bag?”

“Running stuff.”

“No knives or anything sharp?”

“No. Do you want to look?”

“No, that’s fine.”

Two, from a woman ordering at the bar:

“Can I have a treble [something]?”

“Sorry, we can’t serve trebles.”

“Why not?”

“It’s just policy.”

“OK, then I’ll have two doubles.”

“That’s fine.”

Trying to keep ahead of Holly and Tom
Various reprobates after the race

I managed to turn up early for parkrun on Saturday, and ran round very slowly, then popped over to JJ’s for a barbecue in the afternoon. Definitely didn’t feel up to a long run on Sunday, but did manage to get out for a very slow, very warm half-dozen miles.


Weeknotes 2024-29

I finally finished Portal: Revolution on the Steam Deck (with a couple of hints, and after reverting to an earlier save in the final level to give myself a bit more time to get to the last button before the death timer ran out). It’s extremely impressive for a free fan mod. I suppose I have to find something new to play now, although I might also sort out getting some old games on there under an emulator.

This Tuesday was what has become the annual summer club get-together at Paul’s field instead of the usual club session. Basically 40 minutes running round a fairly hilly circuit on grass, followed by some food, beer and chat.

Warming up (or possibly the Ministry of Silly Walks)

No rest on Wednesday, with a track session in the evening. I’d intended to take it relatively easy, with a race coming up on Friday, but as usual ended up pushing a bit too hard and wearing myself out!

Friday was outrageously warm, and I ended up driving out to Thetford Forest on my own for the Wibbly Wobbly Log Jog after the people I’d been planning to car share with decided they couldn’t face it. Apart from being a bit of a trek to get to, it’s a good event that I haven’t done since 2019 – around five miles on tracks and windy paths through the forest, with the odd bomb hole thrown in. The temperature was still in the high 20s when we started, and I set off at an optimistic pace, given my tired legs. I felt like my speed was slowly reducing to a crawl as the miles passed, but not many people seemed to be passing me, so I think the heat was getting to us all. I ended up finishing 24th out of 300-odd runners, which was a pleasant surprise.

On Saturday I was absolutely convinced I was going to be early for parkrun, right up to the point when I looked at my watch as I cycled across the park and saw that it was 8.57. Then because of the warm weather more people had cycled, so I had to lock my bike a bit further away than usual, and as I got there I heard the dreaded “Are the timekeepers ready?”. I would have made it to the start line (barely) in time, but they accidentally started two minutes early!
My plan had been to run round gently with Holly as usual, but starting from behind the tail runner I picked the pace up a bit, aiming to catch her up. By the time I finished I’d made up 179 places, and also established that she wasn’t actually there.

I decided to give the long run a miss on Sunday, and did a very small amount of house and garden work, including trimming the face of the rather poorly-looking hedge along the driveway. I was going to do at least some of the top too, but my trimmer started misbehaving. I’d been thinking about getting some rechargeable garden tools to replace my increasingly temperamental (and noisy) petrol ones, but last time I started researching online I got sidetracked and accidentally bought a cheap scythe on eBay. I haven’t had much luck trying to use it so far – mainly because it’s not great quality and was extremely blunt. I spent a while trying to sharpen it today (and cut my finger, which I suppose is a mark of some kind of success), but it’s not quite there yet. If nothing else I suppose I can combine it with a black cloak for a somewhat hazardous hallowe’en costume.


Weeknotes 2024-28

I managed to put a small scratch on the lid of my Macbook by dropping my work Macbook on it, which is one to be filed very much in the category of “first world problems”.

My boss’s boss was over from India this week, which meant another work meal on expenses. We went to Takayama, which has changed location since I last ate there, but still appears to do excellent food.

I’m still semi-obsessively practicing with my (not Rubik’s brand*) cube when I’m waiting for things or don’t have the energy to do something more useful, and this week I managed my first sub-30 second solve. I also briefly had all my averages (latest 5, 12, 50 and 100) under 45s.

Run for Coffee on Wednesday was mainly notable for this incredibly sympathetic selfie from Calli after Nicola had fallen over (don’t worry, we’d all checked she was OK by this point!)

Shouldn’t laugh …

Wednesday evening was pub quiz night again (with our team featuring three of the people from the above photo), and we won again! It was very quiet, what with the England football-kicking contest happening at the same time, and most of the teams that usually give us a run for our money weren’t there. It’s a good job we only go every ten weeks though, or it might get embarrassing – I don’t think any of us are individually that knowledgable, but we seem to cover a wide range of subjects between us.

The Friday 5 series may have finished last week, but there was still a five mile race on Friday evening – the Brantham fun run, which is actually a pretty tough course, with an energy-sapping hill in mile 4. The weather felt more like March than July, which was OK for running in but a bit chilly for the standing around afterwards (the logistics mean cars can’t leave until the runners are all in, and I’d given Holly a lift and she was the second female finisher so we had to wait another quarter hour or so for the trophy presentations!).

No racing on Sunday this week though, so time for a gentle 14 mile(ish) plod in the Fynn Valley. Much warmer today, and the nettles were starting to invade some sections of the paths (but not anywhere close to the nightmare a few weeks ago).

I’m posting this before the final of the football thing, so by the time you read it it might have “come home” – I assume I’ll be clued in to how it’s going by the shouts emanating from the neighbours again.

A child just knocked on my door offering to sell me some kind of energy drink for £1.50 (apparently it’s £3 at the local corner shop). Very odd. Perhaps he was a burglar.

*it’s a “QiYi X-Man Tornado V3M Pioneer UV Magnetic Magic Speed Cube Flagship Version”, if anyone cares!


Weeknotes 2024-27

I realised that I hadn’t taken any time off since the beginning of the leave year in April, so I booked off the second half of this week – that uses up half of the five days I carried over from last year, which I suppose is a start. As usual I had a vague notion of getting all sorts of useful stuff done, but all I really ended up doing was cutting back the foliage on the back of the house (and the brambles on the patio that were in the way).

I thought about staying up to watch the election results come in (having gone to bed too early to see the iconic ‘Portillo moment’ in 1997), but realised that there would be a really boring stretch until around 3am, and also that there was no way I’d be able to put up with watching the coverage on any of the TV channels. I ended up just watching the exit poll announcement, and switching off when Laura Kuenssberg came on. I woke up at around 4am for long enough to check my phone and ensure I wasn’t in for a 2016-style shock. Nice to be rid of our embarrassment of a Tory MP at last, and a surprise to see Suffolk Coastal go red too.

The Friday 5 season came to an end with Great Bentley this week. It’s normally a warm one, but looked like it could feature heavy rain this year, with quite a downpour as we set off to drive down there. Fortunately it cleared to just a bit of drizzle for the race. It ended up being my quickest of the series, but still slower than last year. It occurred to me that the last time I competed under a Labour government (having been far too lazy during the Blair/Brown years) was probably a junior school sports day obstacle race, when Callaghan was in Downing Street!

Approaching the Great Bentley Friday 5 finish line

After a gentle parkrun on Saturday, it was straight back to racing on Sunday, with the annual Ekiden relay event. This sees nearly 200 teams (we’d entered 11 from FRR), each running a marathon distance split into six legs of 7.2, 5, 10, 5, 10 and 5 km. It’s always a great social event, with loads of club gazebos lining the middle part of the 2.5km lap with everyone who’s not currently running supporting those that are. It looked like the weather was going to be wet, but as it turned out it was – apart from a couple of heavy showers – largely a warm sunny day as it seems to be every year. I ran leg B (5k) for the club’s male supervets (over 50) team, and we managed second place in our age category (with me being the slowest component of our overall time!). We were soundly beaten by our over 40 team this year though, having managed to go slightly quicker than them in 2023. After a bit of recovery I then did a 10k leg for one of the two social teams that we’d entered as the coffee runners, which unsurprisingly I ran even slower. We got completely soaked by another downpour while cycling home, and eschewed the traditional pub stop, but a few of us did head back into town for a curry after drying off and resting for a bit.

Changeable weather at Ekiden

Weeknotes 2024-26

We had a temporary outage with some of our team’s local servers this week after scheduled overnight work on the building’s power – not because the servers failed to come back up, but because they were shut down in preparation, and the power cut caused the building access card system to fail and no-one could get into the server room to switch them back on again. Fortunately they weren’t running anything terribly important, as those things are on more resilient infrastructure (as you would hope!)

After being stuck for ages, I finally got past the last puzzle in chapter two of Portal Revolutions. I had a brief look at a walkthrough guide, but only really enough to convince myself that I hadn’t missed anything, rather than actually taking in the detailed steps. The last few moves did seem pretty straightforward when I went back to it though, so maybe I did remember a few of the instructions!

The beginning of the week was uncomfortably warm for running, but it was nice to be able to sit comfortably outside the pub without any extra layers after Wednesday’s evening’s Run for Beer though (and also after outside Costa after Run for Coffee the same morning).

A sparsely-attended Run for Coffee
Run for Beer (no, I don’t know what’s up with my face)

This week’s Friday 5 (Stowmarket) was warm too, though not as bad as last week, but (in keeping with the never-ending run of summer false starts we seem to be getting this year) the temperature had dropped again in time for the Kesgrave 10k on Sunday.

Finishing the Stowmarket Friday 5
Kesgrave 10k

The main piece of running news though is that I was slightly taken aback on opening my annual London Marathon ballot rejection email to see the words “You’re in!”. I think I’ve entered the ballot seven or eight times, but statistically I think I’ve still beat the odds (last time I heard an estimate of the chance of success it was about one in 15, but I imagine it’s only getting less likely each year). I guess that means I now have to drop my increasingly unconvincing protestations that I was never going to run a marathon.


Weeknotes 2024-25

Well we’ve had the summer solstice now, so I suppose it’ll soon be Christmas.

We had a work experience student at work this week. I’d been talked into hosting him instead of the son of a friend who had originally applied, and only agreed on the basis that someone else in the team who’d done this before would be able to organise things … but then that person was off sick. I got deathly silence from my pleadings for other people to help out too (other than Oli, who kindly offered to look after him on Friday so I didn’t have to do five days in the office), and I ended up doing a fairly poor job, mostly relying on Codecademy and a vague project of building a web site. This is why I’m not a manager.

Bury [St Edmunds] Friday 5 this week, and it was a warm one (though still 10?C cooler than 2022). I was even slower than the past couple of weeks, but everyone else was slower too. I managed to beat Holly (by one second, after an almighty sprint to the finish line), and wasn’t overtaken by Tom three miles in for once.

Bury Friday 5 sprint finish

Another hot day for a long run on Sunday. We ran along the Gipping path, and stopped at Bramford to cool our feet in the river. While Holly was waiting for her feet to dry off, a large german shepherd came springing out of the water and shook itself dry all over her socks and trainers. We resisted the lure of an ice cream from the Co-Op, regretted it by Sproughton where the shop had just shut, and eventually stopped at Morrison’s. They apparently don’t sell individual ice creams, so we ended up getting a five pack of callipos. Dave later pointed out that the petrol garage would’ve been a better bet, but we probably would have paid more there for two than the pack of five!


Weeknotes 2024-24

After work on Tuesday I met up with Matt, one of my university flatmates, who was in Ipswich for the day. We had a few beers and a curry, and a good catchup. I reckon we probably see each other a couple of times a decade or so on average, and as usual much of the conversation was reminiscing about various daft student goings-on, though my recollections at least are getting increasingly blurry with a scarcely believable 30+ intervening years.

I appear to have given up on #48in24 – the difficulty suddenly jumped up a few weeks ago when it went from fizzbuzz-level stuff to “solve this logic puzzle”, and I kind of ground to a halt, defeated by a battle to remember how to write Prolog (and with the knowledge that the other two languages would be far less suitable to the problem). Ah well.

Another Friday 5 this week – our club’s home race in Kirton. I struggled from about halfway again, but still finished quicker than the first two. A fair bit slower than the past couple of years though, but I suppose I am getting older!

About to be overtaken by Tom. Again.

I went to Bury St Edmunds on Saturday to see Pet Needs (again), at the Apex. I took the train, and went a bit early so I could have a wander round the Abbey Gardens first. I nipped into the local Wetherspoons (the Corn Exchange) for a pre-show drink and some dinner (thanks to a special on beef madras, if you pretend I would have paid full price for the 660ml bottle of Brewdog beer that I picked as the included drink, the curry itself only cost £2.50). While I was eating I looked up to see the band walk past my table, and Johnny mentioned the pub on stage, describing it as the poshest Wetherspoons he’s ever seen. No word on whether he knows where all the plug sockets are though.

The other bands on the bill were Slughouse, Gabby Rivers and Gaffa Tape Sandy – I think I’ve seen Slughouse before, but not the other two.

My phone battery ran out shortly after I got on the train to come home, which could have been an issue as it had my ticket on it. Fortunately I’d leant back and shut my eyes when the ticket inspector came through the train, and he presumably thought I was asleep and didn’t wake me to ask to see it. Also the barriers at Ipswich station were open, so I didn’t get accused of fare-dodging (I assume this happens to people all the time and there’s a process, but no doubt it would have been a pain of some sort).

Today I was sitting drinking my morning coffee when I slowly became aware that the odd behaviour from Badger cat by my feet was due to him having brought me a sparrow. I quickly got Badger out of the room, but while my back was turned the bird took the opportunity to hide. I managed to find it, by which time it had regained enough composure to start flying round. I eventually caught it, was about to let it out of the window until I saw Ninja cat lurking outside, so thought better of it and released it in the front garden instead. I’m pleased to report that it took off from my hand and flew across the road to some trees, apparently no worse for the experience.


Weeknotes 2024-23

I started the week by giving blood (donation number 63). I could have donated at any time since March, but had been putting it off for a while because I didn’t want it to interfere with races. Their requests for donation seemed to have been getting increasingly frantic lately (I’ve since been told that they’re at a “pre-amber” status), and I figured helping keep someone alive was more important than potentially finishing a few seconds slower when my times aren’t exactly competitive anyway! Fortunately my haemoglobin levels seem fine these days (thank you, multivitamin and iron tablets), and the blood seemed to pour out quickly.

On Tuesday we had another work meal, but this time with most of us present rather than just a few leads. We went to Mr Wing’s, which operates on an all you can eat basis but with specific dishes brought to you rather than buffet style, so naturally I ate far too much.

On my Steam Deck-inspired retro gaming binge (not really retro – to me that would be Space Invaders etc) I’ve now finished Portal 2, and moved onto Portal: Revolution, an excellent free unofficial sequel that I’d not played before.

Another Friday 5 on … er … Friday – this time Framlingham, which is also in the Suffolk Grand Prix series. I started OK, but after a couple of miles the missing red blood cells started catching up with me, and Holly started pulling away. Then Tom passed me too, which was more annoying because he’s in the same old man age category as me.

FRR at Fram

I dragged myself out for a slow parkrun on Saturday, then attempted a long run on Sunday, which turned into a bit of a fiasco. The original plan had been to run a trail route I’ve done before to Felixstowe, stop for chips at the seaside, then get a train back, but that didn’t quite work out …

Firstly, distracted by bumping into the Harpers near Foxhall stadium, I completely forgot to turn off and completely forgot where I was going and missed a turning. After a quick diversion we got back on the route, only to find it largely blocked by nettles and brambles. With a small detour into the field, then a pause to find sticks to beat the undergrowth aside with, we eventually made it to a proper path again. Once across the A12, I suddenly remembered having to fight through brambles on the other side when the rest of the path had been fine. Fortunately it wasn’t much worse today, and we were soon on the open pasture, but still walking due to the lack of any visible path.

The first clue that the “path” might not be in ideal condition

After reaching the road (past a herd of cows that fortunately just stared rather than giving chase), I realised we’d diverged from my planned route again, but figured we could follow a path through the farm and rejoin it. After much head-scratching we seemed to be back on track, but imagine my surprise when we suddenly reached the A12 again! Somehow I’d ended up following the trace on the map on my watch in the wrong direction (should have worn the orienteering bifocals!). At this point it seemed wise to cut our losses, give up on the chips, and turn it into a circular route. Had we known that the next couple of miles of path had completely disappeared, to be replaced by fields full of head-high nettles, we might have made a different choice.

Fighting through

We eventually made it through (with a small diversion round the edge of a farmer’s field), but even when the going got easier my body had apparently given up, with my heart rate up in the 180s even at a very gently pace, so there was even more walking. We ended up taking 3 hours 21 minutes to cover a mere 11.6 miles! It’s a good job Holly has a sense of humour and was prepared to chalk it down as an “adventure”, otherwise I think I might have lost a running buddy. It’s now five hours later, and my legs are still tingling horrendously from all the nettle stings and bramble scratches – next time I think I’ll take a machete!