Still suffering the lingering dregs of a cold/novid, but mostly limited to my trademark annoying cough now. Annoying to me, but probably more annoying to others, although I’m in people’s earshot much less often than in the olden times.
I was on a call at work this week with a group of people who’d volunteered to take part in an agile mentoring programme. A good initiative (particularly as it seems to be a grass-roots thing, rather than something pushed by TPTB), but I was a bit sad to find myself the sole practicing software developer among a sea of scrum masters, product owners and agile coaches. It remains to be seen whether anyone will pick me as a mentor (I claimed the Manifesto for Half-Arsed Agile Software Development as one of my achievements in my profile).
A busier week of running this week, with club training on Tuesday, a 10k social trail run to the pub (but starting and finishing a seven mile cycle away) on Wednesday, then the long-awaited return of the Friday 5 [mile] series (you can tell how keen I was to enter by my bib number!), then parkrun, and finally the Stephen Williams 10k on Sunday (which wasn’t quite as hot as last year, but still pretty toasty). Now a whole day off before the first Summer Series 5k race on Tuesday, then the second Friday 5 is on … well, you can probably guess which day it’s on.

I still seem to be getting ratty visitors under my kitchen units. The other day the cats were getting excited so I pulled the kick board off to see one dive down the pipe, then pop back up and end up sitting there with his head down and his tail sticking out. I shut it up again and shortly afterwards heard a loud squeaking and some kind of murine contretemps, so I assume he encountered a colleague on its way up. I should probably block the gap up, but I kind of want to get a photo first and they haven’t done any actual damage yet.
Jane had contacted a few potential buyers for her Mini, and today Redwood Classics came to take a look, offered her a better price than the previous two people, and ended up taking it away and leaving a pile of actual cash (remember that?) in its place. They actually seemed more interested in my 1275GT, and offered me nearly twice what I paid for it, but I’m still minded to hang onto it for now, and at some point get it back on the road – maybe eventually with an electric conversion. They did give me £150 for an old engine I had lying around though, which was an unexpected bonus. They also know someone who might want the Spitfire, which I’m happy to sell if I get a reasonable offer.