Looks like I’ve correctly incremented the week counter in the weeknote titles all year (or at least made an equal number of mistakes in each direction). Also I’m told today is Sunday, although of course at the moment it’s impossible to tell. Yesterday was apparently Saturday because there was parkrun, but then I’m sure it was Saturday on Wednesday so maybe not. I didn’t even bother trying to remember which bin to put out when.
I’ve been off work all week, and all I’ve managed to achieve from the infinite chore backlog is finishing the TV aerial cabling and tidying away all the access equipment that had been up for weeks, and vacuuming (which I’m told most people do often enough that finally getting round to it in a week off is not news).

Oh yeah, I also marzipanned and iced the Christmas cakes. I’d forgotten that I needed more eggs for the marzipan, and combined a trip to the greengrocer to buy some (plus a couple of other shops for bits and bobs) with a short run. I probably should have rearranged my rucksack when I nipped into the little Sainsbury’s to get apricot jam and caster sugar – by the time I got home I had a slightly sticky back, only 11 intact eggs and a bag very much in need of a wash.

Christmas Eve saw the annual 6k-ish fun run in aid of Suffolk MIND at the Royal Hospital School. The bottom bit of the course is usually a bit muddy, but this year was the driest I can remember. I was slower than last year, as seems to be the pattern these days.

Christmas day, also as usual, began with a bonus parkrun (my 52nd of the year with one to go – once again I missed one). Then home to cook my traditional excessive lunch.

I tried to be a bit creative with the inevitable leftovers, including making a chicken & bacon pie (I’d made too much pastry for mince pies) and a “pigs in blankets in the hole” which I thought I’d invented but actually seems quite popular.

Nobby seems to have been feeling better this week – he’s been eating more-or-less normally, and the antibiotics seem to have cleared up his respiratory infection. The blood tests showed poor kidney function though, so he has to go back in for more checks and may need to go on a special diet.

I watched the new Wallace and Gromit, which was excellent (I may need to watch it again and pause to check out all the background details), and Doctor Who which was … meh. I’m not sure what it is about the way the Netflix era show is shot and lit, but parts of it somehow seem to fall into the uncanny valley from the opposite side (real people sometimes look offputtingly computer-generated).
On Saturday I took a train to Colchester to see Ben Brown, Generation Feral (who was one person last time I saw her, but now seems to have acquired a drummer and guitarist) and Pet Needs (yes, again!) celebrating ten years of the Three Wise Monkeys. According to setlist.fm that’s 11 times I’ve seen Pet Needs in two years, and they’ve recently overtaken Frank Turner as my most-seen band/artist (it took me ten years to see him nine times).

The next photo isn’t mine (it’s stolen from Jonathan Dadds), but it’s a great shot despite me accidentally being in it.